Dear Family and Friends

Nico and Keiko have packed away their material possesions and left the comforts of civilization far behind to backpack around the world.

It has been surprisingly easy to trade a lifetime's accumulation of stuff for just a few T-shirts, a pair of sandals and hiking boots, and a camera. Nowadays we gleefully write tourista as our official profession and revel in continually changing vistas, indigenous peoples and cultures, diverse cuisines, ancient ruins, lush jungles, exotic flora and fauna, and marine adventures.

We have been on the road since August 2002. Join us on our voyage as we explore our diverse planet!

Where in the world are Keiko and Nico now?

Click the globe to find out!    
Planning and surviving a trip of this scale is impossible without assistance along the way. We got by with a little help from our friends, and for all their hospitality and support we are forever grateful.

Throughout the trip you can contact us via email.

"Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do so you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before." - Alexander Graham Bell
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